The FDA approved treatment of late stage breast cancer by the drug Avastin. Experts have mixed feelings about this decision.
This drug has been used to treat some lung and colon cancers but not breast cancers. Some doctors have given Avastin for breast cancer unofficially which is legal.
This is great news for the drug company that makes Avastin, Genentech. They put pressure on the FDA to approve the drug when only a few months ago the FDA was going to deny it.
Genentech presented their clinical trials as proof the drug can work, but the truth is, it is not affordable and even if a patient can get it, it will not cure the disease. The most it can do is offer hope to those who are dying and desperate and maybe increase their lives a little.
The cost for less than a year of treatment is about $85,000. However if your annual income is less than 100,000 you can qualify for their assistance program. Then you will only have to pay about 55,000.
Genentech stands to make a great deal of money with the market opening up to include breast cancer patients and they have seen their stock shoot up since the announcement.