A small study was done on women who experienced 14 or more hot flashes per week due to menopause. They were told to consume 40 grams of flaxseed with their food every day and reported that their hot flashes decreased in frequency by about 50 %. The severity also decreased for a total of 57% improvement.
The important thing to remember is that the study was short lived and involved only a very small group of women, so the evidence is hopeful but not totally proven.
Flaxseed is a superfood and is full of fiber, so some of the woman had stomach problems because they are not used to that much fiber. If you want to start taking flaxseed and you're not used to it, start with small amounts and gradually build up.
Flaxseed should be milled or ground because you don't digest the outer seeds and won't get the benefits of the seeds within. You can sprinkle them on salads, in soups and stews, cereals and drinks. I don't cook or eat without it anymore.