Hold Onto Your Breast Milk For Now

     Now they are asking women who want to donate their breast milk not to because of the lack of clean storage space and the electricity it takes to keep it pure and refrigerated.      According to the news I read today, they don't see any acceptable way to feed these...
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Haiti Needs Breast Milk

     It sounds very strange however it's true. The organizations in the US that are for and about breastfeeding are calling for at least 100 oz. donations of breast milk. The plan is to clean it up, and store it so or until it can be shipped to Haiti for all the babies and toddlers who lost...
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New Bra Adventure

     Well I do believe I hit on the right cup size, but guessed too small on the other. One more try should get me into the right size bra. What can I say, I'm a woman of few clothes these past couple years since I've gotten sick. It's diabetes and hypothyroidism. In my case both are managable...
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New Bra

     Well, I've yet to hear about anyone coming up with an accurate way to measure large chested women for their bras, so I had to "wing" it. I'm guessing on the cup but...
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Still Fighting Over Breast Cancer Screenings

     The experts are still fighting over breast cancer screenings and mammograms. One side says they are important and have saved thousands of lives and the other side says they cost women to be treated for cancers which they simply don't have. Of course let's not forget the bottom line in...
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Breast Updates

     This is just a reminder to pay some attention to your breast health by examining them even if you are a man. Remember that men get breast cancer too. I ran across a...
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