This may be a bit off topic for this blog but I've just been noticing, and maybe I'm the last to know about this new fashion trend, that wedding guests, bridesmaids, and even the bride herself, are going bare legged.
Personally I agree that everyone has the right to dress the way they are the most comfortable, but at the same time a wedding usually is a very formal affair. I can't think of anything less formal than not wearing hose or nylons of some kind. I mean we're not talking about going to the beach or a picnic outdoors.
My husband thinks I'm being a prude, but these brides spend hundreds even thousands on the rest of the apparel and they won't put on nylons? What's next, no panties? Never mind, I don't even want to know.
I see hundreds of thousands of wedding photos at my job every year and I can tell you a leg with hose is far more attractive than a bare one. No one wants to see your nubs and razor bumps on one of the most important days in your life. Maybe I'm just getting old and set in my ways. Oh well, to each his own!
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